roommates round two

hello lovelies,

welcome to july.  i hope you’re all doing well.

for this college program i have decided to go random.  this may seem crazy- with tens of thousands of students participating in the dcp, i could end up rooming with anyone.

but i have my reasons. on my first program, i had chosen roommates that i had met in the facebook groups.  in the beginning, everything seemed fine, but as time went by there was unnecessary stress and drama that could have easily been prevented.  people lie online, shocker.  the expectations i had of living with these girls fell short.

if i go in random, i could end up with anyone, so there’s no expectations.  of course, it would be wonderful if we all got along perfectly and stayed friends forever, but does that ever happen? (yes, yes it does. see: my college roommate) also, not linking with anyone gives me a much higher chance of being placed in my top location (hello, patterson court and balconies).

so, please keep your fingers crossed for me that i get placed with a wonderful group of girls.  after all, it couldn’t be worse than my experience with housing on my last program, right?  *nervous laughter*


stay golden,

sarah ☆

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